Are you interested to have an experience in the sphere of organization of an international cultural event? Would you like to try something new, gain experience, develop skills, improve your career prospects and meet new people?
If so, the Brussels International Music Academy (non-profit organization) invite you to be a part of the organization process for the International Competition for Young Pianists «Merci, Maestro!». The event will be held from the 09-13th of April 2025.
If you decide to volunteer for the event, you would be helping us come closer to achieving our goal of giving new life to the international cultural scene, through this project that will include young piano players from Belgium and other countries.
Give voice to your heart through your giving and volunteering! Bring your heart and your sense of humor to your volunteer service, along with your enthusiastic spirit, which in itself is a priceless gift. What you’ll get back will be immeasurable!
The volunteer’s role in the project
We are looking for dynamic, motivated people with enthusiastic spirit to help us in this difficult but exciting task.
Depending on how much time you can spare, you can choose full-time or part-time volunteering.
Some missions will require a presence before the event, for example helping with logistics, setting up the location of the event, setting up areas for drinks, etc. Other tasks will take place while the event itself is happening. These tasks include welcoming guests, welcoming the Jury and the participants, helping to serve drinks, photography, etc.
Benefits of volunteering
Work in the industry that interests you;
Meet people sharing your interests and passions;
Get two free tickets to the Prize winners’ concert;
Having refunded all arrival and departure transportation expenses;
Having food and drinks provided during a working day and more.
By completing the registration form, you will be encoded in a list of volunteers so we could contact you to assign you to a specific mission and see if the task suits you according to your schedule and preferences.
We thank you in advance for your participation.